Spiritual life and physical life are extremely connected to each others. We should live fully these two aspects in order to have a fully successful life. Man can not have inner peace if he doesn't have healthy life. Unfortunately many people overlook one or the other, and have a life without harmony. We have to take care of body and soul in order to be mature physically and psychologically. I know it is difficult, because there are all these people in our society who suffer from loneliness and various illnesses! the key to success is allowing these two fundamental elements of human life to grow and become mature. The solution to have a life in harmony is to have an ideology based on Christian doctrine and have a regular sports activity. In other words, the church and the gym should become our favorite places after our home. Remember we live only one time in this earth, so lets have a life which we deserve.
Una sana vita Critiana
la vita spiritual e la vita corporale sono estremamente connessi uno con l'altro. Noi come persone dobbiamo vivere pienamente questi due aspetti in modo completo per poter avere una vita realizzata. Uomo non puo avere pace interiore se non ha un corpo ed una vita sociale sana. Purtroppo molte persone trascurano uno o l'altro, e vivono una vita senza armonia. Bisogna prendersi cura del corpo e del anima per essere delle persone mature fisicamente e psicologicamente. Lo so e difficile, percio ci sono tutte queste persone nelle nostre societa, le quali soffrono di solitudine e varie malati! la chiave del successo consiste nella conessione di questi due elementi fondamentali della vita umana. La soluzione per avere una vita nella piena armonia sta nel avere una ideologia christinan basata sui insegnamenti christini e avere una regolare attivita sportiva. In altre parole la chiesa e la palestra dovrebbe diventare i luoghi preferiti dopo la nostra casa. Ricordati che viviamo solo una volta su questa terra, percio' dovremmo vivere una vita che ci meritiamo.
Bishop Dr. Edik Baroni Th.D. اسقف دکترادیک باروني
Ecumenical catholic Church of Christ
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Rome the Capital of Christianity

Rome became the capital of Christianity approximately after 200 years from the death of Jesus Christ for its great culture, of religion and art. Romulus and Remus are the traditional founders of Rome in 5th century BC. This city in a few centuries became one of the most powerful empires which dominated Europe, North Africa and the Middle East for over four hundred years from the 1st Century BC until the 4th Century AD. Christianity was introduced to Rome by two apostles of Christ, Peter and Paul. The Martyrdom of them in 72 AD became the bases of Christianity in this city and later in all of the Roman Empire. Pagan religions and arte were two important aspects that developed in their entire region of domination. Pagan Rome became Christian when the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan in 313 and proclaimed religious toleration throughout the empire. After that everything like ideology, art, and life style got a Christian aspect. This happened because the idea was the religion of the Emperor should be the religion of the people, because according to Roman ideology, the senate and the people were connected strongly in a republican government. Later in the upcoming centuries in the Middle Age, the Church of Rome got absolute power over all Europe. This lasted until 19th century. Today the power of the Roman church became a spiritual and ascetic, which directs the whole Church throughout the Catholic world. For all these reasons, Rome still has its power and every year thousands of people visit this city and its churches as pilgrims.
The first important aspect of the Rome from the first century until now is the strong Christian culture in this city. The presence of the Pope as the Bishop of Rome in the Vatican Shows the power of this city over the Christian World. Moreover, the presence of many pontifical universities in this city, which is the best source of Christian theology and philosophy, makes it the live brain of Christian ideology. This city, with its thousands of churches, is a great testimony of Christian culture in two millennia. Furthermore, the presence of bishops, priests, and nuns all over shows its devotion in preparing many dedicated people for this religion. As a result, Rome is the capital of Christian ideology and culture.
The second important aspect of Rome consists in its Christian artistic aspect. Rome is the most artistic city after Florence. The presence of marvelous Christian architectural complexes in Rome testifies Romans' feelings for their religion. For Michelangelo in all over Rome became a part of human example the great works of Leornardo D'avinci, Raffaello, and heritage and all these shows Christian religion in art. Romanesque explains itself and there is no need for any introduction. There is no any other place in the world which can testify to Christianity in art like Rome, because these people were great to show their power in everything especially in art. Therefore, Rome is the artistic capital of Christianity.
In conclusion, Rome is the capital of Christianity for the strong presence of Christian power and for its Christian art, which will remain as a permanent heritage for humanity. This Christian museum, testifies the belief of these people in their religion. Today the presence of all the theologians and philosophers in Rome that accompany the worldwide church leaders makes Rome a reference point for all Christianity. Therefore, for all those reasons, we can call Rome the heart and the capital of Christian Religion.
Edik Baroni
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